(Alternatively: Civil unrest in the United States)
At the end of my post about Luigi killing a CEO, I brought up the Years of Lead & that America will never see a unified civil war. What I meant by this is that we're not going to see anything similar to the historical US civil war, with a roughly evenly split conflict between two factions. Much of the civil war fantasies you see are like this. Republican vs Democrat, Right vs Left, White vs Not, etc. The Turner Diaries also fall into this trap. The reality is not so simple, there's actually vast numbers of both ‘wings’ that absolutely hate each other, or at least have enough ill will to be incapable of forming a coalition. This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone with more than a normies understanding of politics.
What's also worth mentioning is what factions are actually likely to fight at all. This can be theorized by looking at their ideology. It stands to reason that more ‘warlike’ ideologies will have members that are more likely to fight, while more pacifistic ones are less likely. This also includes factions that are more magnetic towards dysgenic people, meaning both retards & those physical unfit for combat. From this, it also becomes an issue that raw numbers don't necessarily translate into more fighters. For example, traditional NeoCons are overwhelmingly old. Rarely outside of the Boomer & older half of the Gen X generations. It's very unlikely this produces a decent amount of fighting men, this is a task that's universally done by young men for both physical & psychological reasons.
At the same time, radical ideologies are always overrepresented during periods of civil conflict. Regardless of actual numbers, the hardline edges of both wings will be the bulk of the fighters, not the standard person who loosely describes themselves as Liberal or Conservative. If anything, these types will simply fall under the government itself as a centrist faction, including domestic armed forces (NatGuard, Police, etc.) or local self defense militias. This won't remain true forever, which I will touch on later, but it will in the early days as factions make a name for themselves & ‘warlords’ (leadership individuals) rise.
This will be expanding on similar topics I covered in The Collapse & Post-America.
Italy’s Years of Lead
The Italian Years of Lead is honestly a crazy thing to learn about for the first time, purely because it was Italy of all places & lasted all the way until 1988. Such significant civil conflict in a major Western country that recently just seems out of place. Regardless, it's a good case study for low intensity conflict.
For a background, in 1968 Italy faced fairly widespread protests of a roughly Leftist variety. These occurred at the same time, and were identical to, the counter culture the US faced. The hippie movement actually occurred across Europe & North America. The following year, these turned into the “Hot Autumn” protests, which were mainly driven by Marxists. Overall, it was fairly similar to the typical Leftist riots seen earlier in Italy & Weimar Germany. During one of these riots, a young police officer was killed after being hit by a piece of metal thrown at him.
The first major occurrence was the Piazza Fontana bombing in 1969. This attack killed 17 & wounded 88. The main target was the National Agricultural Bank, but separate explosions also went off at other banks & a dud was found near the Victor Emmanuel II monument. Because of the choice of targets & recent riots, the Italian government blamed anarchists for the attack & arrested several during their investigations. In reality, the attack was (most likely) carried out by a neofascist organization with the intention of causing a crackdown on Marxists by the government. No one was ever punished for the bombing, but an uninvolved anarchist died in police custody. This would be far from the last incident of its kind.
At this point I should bring up the factions. Note that not all of these groups operated at the same time & ones on the same side didn't always get along with each other. I won't spend much time on the small groups, but major ones I will explain briefly. Note, this does not include every minor group or unknown groups/individual actors.
The most infamous of the period, the Red Brigades. The RB was founded by Leftist students in 1970 as a communist guerilla organization, it would later grow to become the largest communist militant group in Western Europe, beating even the IRA. It is very similar to foreign groups like the German Red Army Faction & American Weathermen Underground. The most infamous action they undertook was the kidnapping & murder of former prime minister Aldo Moro. More on this later.
Next, the New Order Scholarship Center (NO). NO came from the Italian Social Movement (ISM) which continued the Fascist movement after WWII with a surprising degree of success. Regardless, they eventually became victim of moderate drift. The radicals amicably broke off to create NO. NO took inspiration from most pre-war RW movements, but owed most of its ideology to Julius Evola himself. Evola complemented the organization, as he was still alive at the time. Their most notable attack was the aforementioned Piazza Fontana bombing, but they would remain active throughout the period. The Black Order was essentially the same group, after the New Order got cracked down on.
I will talk about notable smaller groups in relation to these two, as they were the largest & most important in their respective factions.
The next major event was the alleged coup in 1970. Junio Borguese led protesters in Rome that were allegedly meant to overthrow the government, with help from a few hundred sympathetic military & police personnel. It's unclear how real this alleged coup actually was. The alleged perpetrators (mainly National Vanguard, very similar New Order & came from identical circumstances) denied they had any intentions other than a protest. Some have claimed that it was guided by Italian government forces, with the intention to immediately crack down on the coup & instill martial law. We will talk about this & the alleged “Strategy of Tension” later. The coup wasn't taken very seriously, and can be viewed similarly to the Jan 6 protests in the US.
In 1971, an assassination was carried out by the October 22 group. This was a small & relatively short lived group, slightly more extreme than the Red Brigades. I bring this one up because it served as a catalyst for further violence that represents how things unfolded after an attack fairly well. After killing Alessandro Floris, who was a delivery man attempting to save a man the group was robbing, a nearby photographer took a photo of one the perpetrators. After a chase through Milan, the photo was used to identify the killer which led to other members also being arrested & their safe house raided. Any member not in prison joined the Red Brigades. In an effort to free the prisoners, RB kidnapped the judge in charge of the O22 trial & attempted a ransom, but this was denied by the Italian government & the judge was freed without reciprocation. Another attempt to free the O22 prisoners was made when Aldo Moro was captured, prior to him being executed anyway. This shows a pattern common throughout the period, the old violence begets violence thing. Most attacks were in retaliation for a prior incident.
Next, I will talk about Gladio. Operation Gladio was the Italian section of NATO’s remain behind strategy. Remain behind means individuals who would take on an insurgent role in the event of Soviet invasion or otherwise communist takeover. This included identifying key individuals (the nucleus was usually around the country’s intelligence agencies) to take a leadership role & prestaging weapons caches throughout the country. It's rumored that these caches still exist. It's effectively identical to the Waffen-SS’ Werwolf program, for those familiar.
Gladio is important because a few attacks used weapons from these caches, and it's very much possible that many terrorists (mainly the neofascist types) were in fact non-activated Gladio personnel. Similar events in Spain also had confirmed Gladio agents fighting against Leftists. This shouldn't be a surprise, obviously the most dedicated anti-communist people will be scouted for an anti-communist organization & it's not uncommon for organizations like this to include unsavory individuals (the Sicilian Mafia also likely had a role in Gladio). Although this has led to theories that the Italian government & the CIA directly supported the neofascist faction, it seems more likely that it was more of an unintended consequence & the neofascists simply took advantage of it.
Although it's known that elements of the Italian government & military supported the neofascists, this doesn't actually mean it was all a false flag operation. Something many Americans don't realize is that European nations still have a lot of fascist sympathizers within them, even at relatively high levels. Germany was really the only country that had its National Socialists systematically disenfranchised. Countries like Italy, Spain, & Romania still have many who are supportive of the old regimes to some extent, and this was only more common in the 70’s. As one would expect, these sympathizers gravitated towards the military, intelligence, and other stereotypically RW positions.
Throughout the early 70’s, several more bombings & killings occurred. It was common for Leftists to target the Italian Social Movement (virtually never killing actual militants) while neofascists would attack Leftists protests & riots. Both groups would sporadically attack the government, but this became less common as the edges of both political wings decided to focus on stopping the other from taking power rather than try to face the government head on.
Something important to bring up is that the Left leaning government (ruled by the Christian Democrats party) was very lenient on the Red Brigades, often referring to it as more of a myth than an actual threat. Parallels can be drawn to the US Democratic party’s treatment of AntiFa type organizations a few years ago. Even the moderate elements of a faction will end up tacitly supporting their own radicals to some extent. The leaders of the Red Brigades would be arrested in ‘74, but this led their successors to become more radical in turn.
From ‘75 to ‘78, many people were killed either by assassination or during riots. The targets included judges, journalists, police officers, lawyers, random activists, and others that usually weren't militants. This is noteworthy, and I will touch on it later, as in a low intensity conflict you will not see militants fighting each other in the open. Rather, it will be influencers & figureheads being killed by the other factions’ fighters. Bear in mind that during this period the Italian government was not particularly unpopular & could still maintain relative order in the country. The only “territory” any group held were ideological strongholds, like certain towns that overwhelmingly voted for socialists or far-right. After the murder of multiple MSI members, the group known as Armed Revolutionary Nuclei (NAR) would form & eventually become the main neofascist organization.
The next event would be the peak of the era, something that's often considered a definitive cultural moment in Italian history. For context, the Italian Communist Part (PCI) was about to enter into what's called the “historic compromise,” which would have them form a coalition with the left-leaning Christian Democrats. PCI & major trade unions were not allies of the Red Brigades & once they were forced to acknowledge the very real threat of RB, disavowed them. It should also be noted the RB were Soviet influenced while PCI were “Eurocommunists,” trying to avoid KGB led influence. They gradually became ideological enemies as the Red Brigades would accuse PCI of being reactionaries.
In March of ‘79, Red Brigades kidnapped Aldo Moro. Moro was the leader of the Christian Democrats who was the main driver of the historic compromise. RB wanted to stop this because it was seen as a betrayal, the PCI turning into a moderate party instead of a revolutionary one. After a few days of negotiations, Moro was executed & left in a car trunk. Italy owes a lot to the Red Brigades, they single handedly stopped the Communist party from ever coming to power. This was a very impactful event in Italian politics, so I recommend researching on your own to see how this played out even up to today. The government would crackdown heavily on far-left social organizations after this.
The rest of ‘79 & ‘80 continued the trends of assassinations. The vast majority of these were committed by the Red Brigades or smaller allied groups like Front Line. They also mainly targeted moderate judges & journalists, as well as government employees. NAR also committed some attacks, also focused on the government, but it was overwhelmingly Left violence during this period.
The next major event would be an explosion at the Bologna train station. A time bomb in an unattended suitcase detonated killing about 80 & wounding about 200. Its generally accepted that a trio from NAR were responsible, but it's also a popular belief that pro-Palestine terrorists (linked to the infamous Carlos the Jackal) conducted the attack. All accused have claimed innocence. Two members of NAR were convicted of the bombing but were paroled or released eventually, eventually having a child together. What a love story.
The investigation was muddied by neofascist sympathizers in the government, a major factor being a group known as Propaganda Due (P2). P2 was a semi-official Freemason lodge, though it had little connection to the Italian Grand Lodge & eventually became a separate entity entirely. P2 was a dedicated anti-communist organization. Although they frequently assisted neofascist groups, their actual political program seemed to be a form of authoritarian democracy. P2 was involved in countless assassinations, bank robberies, owned media outlets it used for propaganda, had ties to the Mafia, and more. I may write a full article about P2 eventually but for now I recommend you research it yourself if you're interested. Whats important is that it included the head of every single Italian intelligence agency, several politicians, several military generals, journalists, bank officials, and many other influential individuals. It essentially operated as a shadow government until it was discovered & shut down in 1981.
After the Bologna bombing, neofascist groups stopped conducting major attacks. There's several reasons for this, such as a gradual rightward shift in the Italian government (socialist & communist parties no longer had any significant influence, the successor to MSI is the current ruling party of Italy) or the collapse of Soviet influence as Gorbachev took power & the USSR began to fall during the 80’s. Regardless, Red Brigades carried on with their typical activities by killing perceived enemies, personal vendettas, ambushing military personnel, and more. Notably, they would kidnap a US general (later rescued by Italian special police) & murder a US diplomat. This would last until 1988 when the group dissolved, officially ending the Years of Lead. There was a brief resurgence of attacks at the turn of the century, but these were few & probably just took the Red Brigades name for the fear factor.
Something else to note is that throughout the period, certain countries took in insurgents & granted amnesty. For the leftists, France gave several individuals amnesty & refused to extradite them to Italy. This was highly controversial & damaged relations for many years. In 2021, France finally extradited a handful of surviving militants to Italy, almost all of which were given life sentences in absentia decades ago. For the neofascists, Spain was the go to country for amnesty due to being a right wing regime under & after Franco. Neofascists were less likely to be caught by the government in general, due to sympathizers in the government & generally being more competent during regular attacks.
Finally, the “Strategy of Tension.” The strategy of tension refers to a government either encouraging or ignoring civil violence in order to create a sense of chaos & insecurity in the public, thus making them more likely to turn to the government for support. The Italian government, specifically the ruling party of the time, has been accused of this. This is unlikely, their seeming inaction was more likely due to the aforementioned sympathizers in power. That being said, the strategy of tension was absolutely the primary tactic of Propaganda Due & their mission to strengthen the government & keep leftists out of power.
America’s Future
Now that the history lessons over, I can touch on the actual point of this article. As I said at the start, it's extremely unlikely that any civil conflict in the United States is two sided. There's simply too much ideological & ethnic diversity, let alone the sheer size (both in land & population) of the US. For the rest of this, if I say “you” I actually mean FarRight militant. This will be a look at what a Years of Lead scenario may look like in modern America.
Firstly, a radical atmosphere. We already have this, it's been growing for quite some time now. The “Hot Autumn” & labor protests of Italy’s late 60’s closely mirror the type of protests seen in America since 2016. Although not often talked about, the street battles between groups like AntiFa & the Proud Boys are quite abnormal in recent history. Similarly, the massive riots after the death of George Floyd are quite abnormal, far larger than previous race riots like those surrounding Rodney King. I’m sure I don't have to remind anyone about the multiple assassination attempts on Trump earlier this year. All of this is gradually getting more complicated & radical, and it's yet to be seen how this will evolve under a 2nd Trump administration.
Although I haven't touched on it much, I foresee a major labor movement hitting the US in the near future. This will be the culmination of all the economic problems Americans face coming to a head including high taxes, stagnating wages, high cost of living, unaffordable housing, healthcare, job loss due to immigration & AI, etc. Trump might be able to lessen the burden on some of these issues, but the establishment is completely unable to actually solve the base problems. The recent killing of the Unitedhealth CEO is a sign of the times, there's abundant reason to believe similar actions will continue to play out increasingly.
The real question is, can the government stop it in the same way it stopped groups like The Order, Atomwaffen Division, or M19CO? The answer is no, not if things reach the point of the Years of Lead. Although many on the right have a tendency to treat “the Feds” as some omnipotent force, the reality is that they're simple organizations made of normal people. A relatively small number of people. The reason it was so difficult for the Italians to hunt down members of the Red Brigades or New Order is because throughout that period there were thousands of militants, at times split into hundreds of groups that only shared immediate goals. Note that the Italians didn't have a National Guard to activate, they have a dedicated gendarmerie that already served as a domestic military force.
It's easy to take down relatively inactive groups like AWD, which never had more than 200 people & maybe 50 of those were even capable of fighting, but hunting down a potentially infinite number of organizations with different objectives, modes of operation, & demographic make up is a whole other ballgame. In SIEGE, James Mason brings up a concept known as “propaganda of the deed.” This is an attack that inspires similar ones. It's also a well known phenomenon in areas facing civil unrest. One attack will be the motivation for another group to form & conduct their own. This is why political violence, whether it's Iraq in 2003 or Italy in 1970, tends to increase exponentially. In an environment where there's already multiple groups committing various attacks, it becomes far more likely for unrelated individuals to pick a side & commit. This can be seen as a macrocosm of the psychological phenomenon of peer pressure.
For the law enforcement agencies that typically handle these things, the situation very quickly becomes impossible to actually handle. You see, the reason so many IRA members or Iraqi insurgents got away with their actions wasn't because of expert level OpSec or burning their fingerprints off. It was because the sheer amount of shootings & bombings made it impossible to fully investigate any specific incident. Look at any case file for major bombings or serial killers in US history, see how long it takes & how much manpower has to be dedicated to these cases to actually hunt down the perpetrators. Many of these cases took virtually the entire FBI & local agencies to accomplish.
What this leads to is an environment where the consequences of extremist violence are far less likely to play out, it's significantly less likely that a militant is caught & down the road less likely to be arrested/punished. The famous Carlos the Jackal had an international career spanning 12 years before finally being captured. The vast majority of members of the IRA, Iraqi insurgency, Red Brigades, and others never actually got punished. This includes members whose identities were known to the hostile government or public. Keep in mind that none of these organizations were successful, and did not majorly influence their governments. Governments actually have very good reason to do this, attempting to hunt down violent organizations to the last man is a great way to make sure said militants have no reason to lay down their arms. Most scenarios like this end with the government offering a “forgive & forget” deal where militants can simply stop doing their activities & everyone moves on. Latin American countries did the same with the more powerful cartels. Attempting to hunt down thousands of militants does nothing except give them a reason to fight to the death, protracting the conflict & increasing casualties. This is all important because it means that the vast majority of militants will most likely walk away unscathed when all is said & done.
On the same topic, I have noticed a pattern throughout my studies. Something that has remained consistent throughout conflicts with terrorists, insurgents, and mafias. I will call this pattern “Legal Deterioration.” Legal deterioration refers to the slow but steady decay among the legal apparatus of a government as sympathizers wind up in these positions or members are killed. The most important aspect is that they simply fear retaliation from the militants. This is most easily seen in Latin America, where cartels kill lawyers, judges, & other members of the judiciary system while also infiltrating it with sympathetic individuals or outright allies. The same can be seen earlier in this article with neofascist sympathizers in the Italian government, not brought up is a similar situation where the system had trouble prosecuting the Red Brigades as they often targeted judges & lawyers.
In every situation, only maybe 5 to 10% of these people are actually victimized or sympathizers. The rest are simply afraid to end up like their colleagues, or of being ratted out as enemies by secret sympathizers among them. It creates an atmosphere of suspicion & danger that keeps the system paralyzed, no one wants to get shot over an ideological fight they're not even part of. Over time, this makes the legal system exponentially less capable of being used against the militants. This can be seen very early on, the Mafias in the US during the former half of the 1900s are an example, and only increases as the various militant groups gain more influence & popular support.
A related issue is attrition among law enforcement. Italy didn't quite see this but the most other countries did. The operations element of any agency (ATF, CBP, FBI, even local agencies) is very small, and revolves around a handful of experienced individuals. The vast majority of, let's say, the FBI are just paper pushers & analysts. The actual detectives, tactical units, and other elements that actually get stuff done is a fraction of the overall organization. This is important because these people are prime targets for militant groups, arguably the most likely to hunted down or be killed in shootouts & raids. This takes its toll over time, and the operational effectiveness of these organizations drops as they lose their keystone employees.
This issue has a parallel in a military context as well, where key members of a unit are killed & that brings down the effectiveness of their unit considerably. This was especially true for reserve units during the GWOT, as formerly active duty NCOs would be killed and take their experience to the grave, leaving reservists with relatively little training to fend for themselves. As well, certain jobs are simply irreplaceable as they die faster than they can be trained. An example is combat medics/corpsmen, heavily engaged units often have a shortage because they're prime targets & have a lot of training to go through before being sent to an operational unit. It's more often they get replaced by medics from non-combat positions than actually get properly replaced by a fresh one.
On top of this, it's simply inevitable that at least a handful of people defect to the side of the militants for some reason or another. Whether it be for ideological reasons, or because they feel they're in danger if they don't, it always happens. These people become insider threats, and have the ability to completely derail investigations or operations. This can be an active thing, but most often they simply leak information to the militants. This how police end up raiding empty warehouses, because the supplies were moved a few days earlier after a tip off. Although I brought up the neofascist sympathizers in Italy, it's also important to note that the Red Brigades had their own in Leftist strongholds like Bologna.
Next, I’ll touch on the factions themselves. Earlier I brought up that certain political groups are far more likely to fight than others, based on their ideological propensity to violence & demographic make up. As a general rule of thumb, normies don't fight. Centrists, whichever direction they lean, aren't going to take up arms for anyone. A decent number of “apolitical” people may join the government forces, generally maintaining the status quo, but most won't have the ideological drives to remain harshly loyal when the going gets tough.
Further, any political group with an average age over 40 won't be fighting. They have careers, families, and lack the youthful vigor & angst to actually commit to radical change. For the most part anyway. As well, groups that almost purely exist online will not be represented heavily. This specifically means cliques that are made up of beta males & dysgenic twinks, I’ll let you figure out who this applies to as disparaging political groups isn't the purpose of this article. That isn't to say that the figures these people may follow online won't be unimportant, they will likely influence ideologically adjacent groups to some degree. Ben Shapiro, Nick Fuentes, BAP, Destiny, etc. They will most likely cry about attacks from the other wing’s militants & downplay their own, even if none are directly involved with militancy.
For my readership, which is overwhelmingly to the Right, you can probably intuit on your own which factions have more potential militants than others. Also of note, which personalities are more likely to absolutely denounce or tacitly support militants influenced by them. A good example is those who supported street fighters during protests in Berkeley or Portland, during the 1st Trump administration, vs those who treated them the same as AntiFa. As for the Left, this becomes less clear because we can't truly get a clear theory of mind for their various factions since we aren't one of them.
That being said, it stands to reason that groups that have already formed AntiFa adjacent groups are more likely to take up arms. This means Marxists to some degree, probably not actual communists but certainly “democratic socialists” at least. Even the most unstable progressive liberals aren't radical enough to actually take up arms, at least in the beginning. It will be the same people that have already been rioting, throwing molotovs, etc. This is especially evident when you look at America’s own Years of Lead & see the groups/individuals active.
Around the same time as Italy, America was also faced with a terrorist threat. Throughout the time immediately after the Civil Rights Era, we dealt with groups like the Black Liberation Army, Weather Underground, National Socialist Liberation Front, & the Silent Brotherhood. Notable individuals include Timothy McVeigh & Sarah Moore, as well as theorists like James Mason & Dr. William Pierce. Virtually all of these groups were White Nationalist (most often National Socialists) or Marxist, including pro-Black organizations. There is some debate over how much Libertarianism played a role on the right, as many groups were “anti-government” but it's more likely that simply meant anti-US government. Attacks very rarely came from 3%er or Oathkeeper type organizations, and usually had more in common with the Aryan Nations.
Naturally, in more recent years, this pattern has remained. Most armed organizations are outright Marxist or NeoNazi, building off of long traditions in both wings. Examples include various AntiFa type groups as well as groups like Atomwaffen Division & the Terrorgram collective. Moderates can't surf.
Next, let's move on to your potential targets. As with the Years of Lead, very little conflict will occur between militants. The vast majority will be directed at ideologically hostile individuals & organizations who are not involved with conflict. Let's say you are the leader of the newly reformed Atomwaffen Division. Rather than attacking AntiFa, you will most likely be attacking ADL offices, Leftist politicians trying to import migrants to your state, tech CEOs giving your guy’s data to law enforcement, Leftist figureheads like Hasan Piker, Destiny, or Contrapoints, NGOs pushing Leftist policies, and the like.
Now, let's say you are the leader of an AntiFa group that turns to militancy. Your target would be local RW churches, GOP offices, and figures like Ben Shapiro, Nick Fuentes, etc. Ecological focused groups would probably hit factories, CEOs, housing developments, that type of stuff. Christian extremists would hit abortion clinics, as they have in past incidents. All groups would hit the government most of all, both for ideological reasons & to defend themselves from a crackdown.
The vast majority of attacks will be focused on the other side’s moderates. AntiFa attacking fairly milquetoast Republicans & AWD attacking standard progressive Democrats. This isn't a constant though, over time certain establishments will become directly associated with militant groups. For example, there used to be a bar in Portland called Cider Riot. The owner was an avid Lefty & the bar sold products with names like “Black Bloc” & “Three Arrows,” both of which are associated with AntiFa. Naturally, during the street fighting of the 1st Trump admin, the bar became a meeting place for the local AntiFa groups until Patriot Prayer came & started a fight outside. As in Italy, these sort of underground bases will become targets of shootings & bombings. It's really the only way to target hostile militants. These sorts of businesses also often function as fund raising projects & recruiting centers for radicals, making them effectively an enemy outpost.
The most important target, especially in our age now that the internet holds so much importance, is influencers. You probably already know more than a few, people like Ben Shapiro, Nick Fuentes, Andrew Tate, Destiny, BAP, Hasan, various celebrities, and failed journalists. These are the people who push ideology today, they are the ones who do initial recruiting & bring up arguments. Virtually everyone starts their ideology journey with a personality on YouTube or Twitter. These people are also simply visible, they give out their names & faces, their addresses & workplaces are found easily enough. They're high value & soft targets. The recent attempt on Nick Fuentes’ life portrays this well.
You see, a significant amount of ideological terrorism consists simply of making your enemies shut up. They're having a big protest? Blow it up so they go home. One of their big personalities is advocating something retarded? Shoot him or burn his house down. They're printing out flyers & posting them all over public places? Find where they're being printed & torch it. At this stage, it's not about destroying your enemies so much as it is containing the spread. You are the CIA, they are the Soviet Union, this is Afghanistan in 1985.
Building off that, you must understand what exactly your mission is, as a faction. In Italy, the neofascists had a very straightforward mission - prevent the spread of communism. They weren't trying to seize power, and for the most part could at least tolerate a centrist liberal government. Like much of the international RW, including the remnants of the Nazis & other Axis powers, the neofascists main goal was to stop communism. Seizing political power could wait until the world was safe from that. This is why former members of the SS happily joined organizations like the French Foreign Legion, NASA, African mercenaries, or even the Mossad of all things. This can be seen in individuals like Siegfried Müller (Wehrmacht turned mercenary), Larry Thorn (Finnish soldier turned Waffen-SS turned US Special Forces), & Otto Skorzeny (you know him). The overall RW had a similar goal, and arguably still does today.
Regardless, groups like New Order & NAR had an easier task than the Red Brigades. Red Brigades had the goal of overthrowing the Italian government, or at least destabilizing it enough for the Soviets to help push it over. This included competing with the much more popular communist party. The neofascists had a secondary goal of helping the MSI take power, but their primary purpose was simply to stop the government from drifting any more left. This is a large reason why neofascist groups stopped fighting many years before the Red Brigades threw in the towel, after the murder of Aldo Moro it became clear that the Red Brigades would bring the communist movement down by their own actions. Many such cases.
In the modern world, we don't have this liberty. While the liberal order was roughly acceptable in the Cold War, especially when the alternative is bolshevism, it is now our primary enemy. The “long march through the institutions” has been very successful. The cultural marxists, including what is now called “woke,” have replaced the traditional left in Western politics as “classical liberalism” looses its popularity rapidly. Beyond that, economic failures have led to an untenable position for the youth. The mass demographic changes forced on to Western societies since the 90’s also cannot be ignored. The status quo is no longer an option, it benefits absolutely no one except people universally hated by 95% of people who know their name.
The issue, for America, is the vast demographic & geographic size of the country. This makes it functionally impossible for the US to survive this in one piece. Which leads to what my next article on this topic will cover - Balkanization. This won't be the typical nonsense of California breaking off & taking its liberals with it, or Texas reestablishing its sovereignty to protect the 2nd Amendment. It will look at the actual demographics of certain regions & potential ideological loyalty they could lean towards when blood is spilled.
Hail Victory
Good article, however I believe Franco Freda would have been a good mention here, seeing how he managed to temproarily unite both right and left factions specifically to fuck with the Italian government a bit
Good article. Don't want to glaze too much but just wanted to say I really appreciate your articles. You offer a unique perspective and are one of the few substack writers who actually manage to provide insight.
I hope life brings you good fortune, whether it's on the battlefield or anywhere else. Happy New Year 🫡