Aug 9·edited Aug 10Liked by Hexenkartothek

I wanted to be a marine from my first memories. I think it's because of an older cousin of mine who was a chaplain in the Marines, and he always wore his uniform at family gatherings. He looked so sharp. I spent so much of my young life thinking about, planning, and training for my life in the Marines. I wanted it for a career.

When I was 17, literally my whole life got turned upside down. Two old vets and one close friend convinced me 9/11 was an inside job and that I shouldn't join. Not only did that put me on the path towards deeper conspiracies (and eventually to WN when the rabbit hole got too deep) - it also put me on a path towards liberal hippiedom. For many years I traveled and played music, preaching conspiracies and denouncing the military. I stopped training, started smoking.

When I became fully WN though, I immediately went back to my prior thinking. I sometimes think I should join, for the discipline and schedule, money and benefits, and ofc simple training. I generally think I dodged a bullet. I would probably be a system pig if not for my conspiracy journeys in lalaland with pot smoking hippies. But Ive been working to getting back to square one.

I know two close friends who joined the Marines and both are pretty lame now. I don't think this has to be the case. /Our guys/ can and should utilize the military while it's here. It used be our domain anyways. I hate that we gave so much ground to the beans and nogs and fags

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Aug 10Liked by Hexenkartothek

Good points, I agree that much of the tactical side can be taught by others with the experience, but a lot of the intel side does require some time in and moving about to see different settings and operations, I’m sorry to hear that you’re in Cali btw, any Mexican who can pick his station will go to Pendleton or Miramar without a second thought lol. I’ve loved the atmosphere out east and in Hawaii tho.

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Well this made me feel a lot better. Completed USMC OCS, broke my tibia on my birthday 7 days before I was set to commission, and was told "thanks, you can go home now".

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This but I broke my nose during CCT and they were like 'yup dodmerb says you're done kiddo, see you in 2 years if you wanna try again'

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Aug 9Liked by Hexenkartothek

"They let you leave after 6 months anyway. You’ll get pretty good training (often surpassing NATO standards) & experience in an actual modern war."

The 6 months thing is just on paper. You get a couple days of in town leave a month, unless they've changed it; more than enough time to catch a train across the border, if you find it's not for you. May even be able to come back later, if your commander likes you, and you have his blessing to leave.

Quality of training varies based on unit. The program for drone operators seems fairly solid. It's one of the lower risk jobs on the front, with a much lower casualty rate than infantry.

Is the combat experience worth it? That depends what you're after. Aside from the occasional offensive (Kharkiv, and now Kursk, for example) Ukraine is largely static; a trench war fought primarily with indirect fire. You'll get used to being shot at (in the infantry, anyway) sleeping rough, and operating in cold weather. There are some elements to it that could be useful for a partisan, and others that are less so- as in a NATO army.

Don't lend people money. Avoid the strip clubs. Keep careful track of your equipment.

Good luck.

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As an AeroVironment shareholder I think actually big stupid useless drones are a good thing and we should buy a million of them

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AV inc gets a pass, i <3 my puma

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Was also a Marine and the “new Corp” was not something I expected. I got out just before Russia and Ukraine popped off so I might be biased. Everything you learn and experience could be taught in parallel structures, locally, in or out of the cell. It’s a huge commitment if all you want is the training. I remember being on top of the world in MCT and then feeling trapped six month later. Throw covid vaccine into the mix and it was not worth it. Compromised some of my personal values in that regard. But yeah, I tend to agree that our guys should steer clear. You can learn everything better in a civilian environment— it’s the intangible stuff that people should join for (esprit de corp etc).

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Are you sinking a lot of money into equipment for your volunteer deployment?

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I already own most of my kit, probably just gonna grab a new plate carrier because my current one is in shambles at this point. Probably won't spend more than a couple grand

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Swaggers. Are you doing thermal or nvgs? I hear they are important

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Nah, they seem to be issuing pretty good ones already

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Erm but muh booglarp? How will you booglarp if you can't own your own nvgs? Skinwalker??

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These articles got me thinking again, I gotta atleast see if I qualify or can make reserves. The idea of saying some joke and some guy I've been working with whispers "hail hydra" into my ear is appealing. Not looking to have a sassy black female drill instructor yass queen me to death. My only other hold over is, my parents were married when I was conceived so Sm I even allowed to join the Corps?

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The navy sadly managed to secure the good spots of san diego

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Remind me to read this

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